Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me.

So much to update , don't know where to begin so this might be rambling. Lets see I am still with my first husband which is good. Rory put on a pound but not with out a 6 week fight 3 times a day. Rory is hilarious and makes me laugh everyday. She says things like "Mommy I am mad at you and this is me walking away from you" Oh and she sometimes calls me Kate when she is angry . I thought that is what teenagers do to their parents? Still looking for work, freelancing a bit but it is just not enough. Running is going ok. I mean I get in the miles but not the quality I want. I really have to start going to practice again . In a few days we start our summer vacation which includes Jersey Shore, Ohio, Michigan and Maine. Oh and we are moving ....again. 4 blocks away

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The day started and ended the same

Decided to drive in the Manhattan and run 2 or 3 mile warm up. Breastfeed at 6:30am pumped out , out the door by 7:15am . Queensbourgh bridge had construction took me forever to figure it out finally got near the race and could not find parking or even a parking garage. Desperately I parked on the street . It was now 8:10am and you could not park on the street until 8:30am but the race started at 8:30am. So I left the car and took a chance . Only got about 1 mile warm up and got to pee. Race starts I felt tight and awful I believe I did it in about a 6:50 pace. I didn't want anything over 6:45 . I have to remember this is my first race back and I never quite got racing again after Rory but I am still disappointed . Especially because I think I have to cut back on the long runs . See link below for what I have been doing . I started it a week earlier then it calls for so I just doubled the second week. I think I will continue this schedule but not the long runs just do 10 miles at the most. Oh and yes I had a $45 ticket on my car .,7120,s6-238-244--6851-4-2X5X8-4,00.html

ALso if you want to see what I am talking about . see this picture

Friday, March 13, 2009

Changes O'plans

In the past 2 days my milk supply has dropped dramatically. I am afraid it might be the running so I am just doing the race tomorrow with 2 or 3 mile warm up. I am sad becasue I don't like to veer off my schedule. I will see if skipping my long run for the week helps. Gwen is so big. She and Rory are in the same diaper size! I hope Gwen teaches Rory how to eat.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Runner's opinion

So what is everyones opinion on incorporating a race into a long run ? It is my first race since Gwen was born . Part of me wants to run the race straight and see where I am at (it is an 8k) Marc and I are in our third week of training . It is a pretty intense training schedule. I ran about 50 miles last week. Breastmilk seems to be holding up. But trust me it is not fun to breastfeed , pump out, run out the door run 15 miles and come back and try and breastfeed again. Anyway I have to do 14 miles . What do you think ?

Friday, February 6, 2009

1 year ago

Hi Baby Gwen

One year ago today I found out I was pregnant with you ! What a year ! We love you and are so happy you are part of our family.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You mean I have to tie my shoes each time I wear them

I am a horrible shoe tier. I do the bunny ears . So on runs my shoes come untied . SO when I do get a good tie on ... I leave it . And just slip my running shoes on . I know I know . So i run 30-40 miles a week on shoes that were probably last ties 2 weeks before. I didnt really think it mattered and then Marc today watched me hobble around in my running shoes he said "Kate your shoes are loose" "Yeah I know I never tie them" WHAT???!! SO I untied my shoe and tied it and it really made a difference . Trust me I am still in pain but I probably (hopefully) just sprained it . My first sprain.

All I had to do was make it till February

This is what I kept telling myself. January is always a tough month for me. February would be better . The baby older, the weather warmer. Just make it to February. I even registered for a 4 mile race on February 1st in Central Park. My grandma always said what you do the 1st of a month is how the rest of the month would go. So she would never schedule doctor appointments on the 1st. Yesterday I went for a 6 mile run careful not to run over any ice , came home and laid out my clothes for the race in the morning . Planned out my plan of pumping and running to the subway , which stop I would get off at ect.., And then I was carrying the baby to the changing table and all of a sudden a sharp pain coursed through my foot . I almost dropped the baby I could not walk . I don't know if I heard a pop or a crack or what the baby was crying and soon so was I . Marc came home a while later and I was beside myself . I can't walk across the room, I can't hold the baby or Rory . It feels like I broke it but how? So I sit this morning horrified should I go to the ER or should I wait and see . How will I get Rory to Music class ? How will I work at ABC all the way on the west side? All I had to do was make it to February and 6 hours before I might have broke my foot.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

THoughts for the day

So today I was thinking Marc and I have been married for 4 years and 4 months . We have a 2 year old and a 3 month old . I have been either pregnant , breastfeeding , pregnant and breastfeeding and now tandem nursing for almost 3 years of our marriage. That is all . I really need to find a job.

Infant Probotics

I have to give a shot out to Sara who I call the baby whisperer .

Gwen had Thrush pretty bad , it seemed to come out of no where. Rory and I didn't have any symptoms. We were given Nystatin and were cleaning her mouth out 4 times a day but after a week it was worse and she wasn't feeding well. So I emailed Sara and she recommended infant Probiotics within 2 days the Thrush was gone ! and as you know she has been have digestive issues even those seem to be about 50% better. We give her 5 drops a day. So thank you once again Sara.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Girls had check ups last week

Rory is 25% in weight !!!! Yeah that is a lot better then when we were told 5% . She is right around 50% for height .

Gwen is 75% for weight and height.

Rory was AMAZING at the doctors. When the doc asked to look in her ears she brushed her hair back so he could get in there. She opened her mouth when asked . And we she got a shot she just gave him a dirty look.

Gwen got 5 shots ! and cried but she was good too.

Let's see I think I have a freelance gig at one of the Networks that might yield up to 10 days of work a month YEAH!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Long Island Half May 2nd

I am going to start training for the Long Island Half. Doing a whole marathon is something I would love to do but right now I think the reasonable thing to do is train for a half. Also in the next few months I need to start really looking for work (for real this time) And I don't know what Marathon training would do to my breast milk . So I have a 1/2 training schedule and it is not much higher mileage then what I am doing already extra 10 miles a week. So I think it is doable.

The girls are great. Rory's vocab is really coming along. I went to get her this morning and I put her down and she said "bye bye mommy I go see daddy" and walked out of the room.

Gwen is great so calm , lots of smiles and loves her sister.

Marc is good and almost potty trained.