Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me.

So much to update , don't know where to begin so this might be rambling. Lets see I am still with my first husband which is good. Rory put on a pound but not with out a 6 week fight 3 times a day. Rory is hilarious and makes me laugh everyday. She says things like "Mommy I am mad at you and this is me walking away from you" Oh and she sometimes calls me Kate when she is angry . I thought that is what teenagers do to their parents? Still looking for work, freelancing a bit but it is just not enough. Running is going ok. I mean I get in the miles but not the quality I want. I really have to start going to practice again . In a few days we start our summer vacation which includes Jersey Shore, Ohio, Michigan and Maine. Oh and we are moving ....again. 4 blocks away