Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me.

So much to update , don't know where to begin so this might be rambling. Lets see I am still with my first husband which is good. Rory put on a pound but not with out a 6 week fight 3 times a day. Rory is hilarious and makes me laugh everyday. She says things like "Mommy I am mad at you and this is me walking away from you" Oh and she sometimes calls me Kate when she is angry . I thought that is what teenagers do to their parents? Still looking for work, freelancing a bit but it is just not enough. Running is going ok. I mean I get in the miles but not the quality I want. I really have to start going to practice again . In a few days we start our summer vacation which includes Jersey Shore, Ohio, Michigan and Maine. Oh and we are moving ....again. 4 blocks away

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The day started and ended the same

Decided to drive in the Manhattan and run 2 or 3 mile warm up. Breastfeed at 6:30am pumped out , out the door by 7:15am . Queensbourgh bridge had construction took me forever to figure it out finally got near the race and could not find parking or even a parking garage. Desperately I parked on the street . It was now 8:10am and you could not park on the street until 8:30am but the race started at 8:30am. So I left the car and took a chance . Only got about 1 mile warm up and got to pee. Race starts I felt tight and awful I believe I did it in about a 6:50 pace. I didn't want anything over 6:45 . I have to remember this is my first race back and I never quite got racing again after Rory but I am still disappointed . Especially because I think I have to cut back on the long runs . See link below for what I have been doing . I started it a week earlier then it calls for so I just doubled the second week. I think I will continue this schedule but not the long runs just do 10 miles at the most. Oh and yes I had a $45 ticket on my car .,7120,s6-238-244--6851-4-2X5X8-4,00.html

ALso if you want to see what I am talking about . see this picture

Friday, March 13, 2009

Changes O'plans

In the past 2 days my milk supply has dropped dramatically. I am afraid it might be the running so I am just doing the race tomorrow with 2 or 3 mile warm up. I am sad becasue I don't like to veer off my schedule. I will see if skipping my long run for the week helps. Gwen is so big. She and Rory are in the same diaper size! I hope Gwen teaches Rory how to eat.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Runner's opinion

So what is everyones opinion on incorporating a race into a long run ? It is my first race since Gwen was born . Part of me wants to run the race straight and see where I am at (it is an 8k) Marc and I are in our third week of training . It is a pretty intense training schedule. I ran about 50 miles last week. Breastmilk seems to be holding up. But trust me it is not fun to breastfeed , pump out, run out the door run 15 miles and come back and try and breastfeed again. Anyway I have to do 14 miles . What do you think ?

Friday, February 6, 2009

1 year ago

Hi Baby Gwen

One year ago today I found out I was pregnant with you ! What a year ! We love you and are so happy you are part of our family.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You mean I have to tie my shoes each time I wear them

I am a horrible shoe tier. I do the bunny ears . So on runs my shoes come untied . SO when I do get a good tie on ... I leave it . And just slip my running shoes on . I know I know . So i run 30-40 miles a week on shoes that were probably last ties 2 weeks before. I didnt really think it mattered and then Marc today watched me hobble around in my running shoes he said "Kate your shoes are loose" "Yeah I know I never tie them" WHAT???!! SO I untied my shoe and tied it and it really made a difference . Trust me I am still in pain but I probably (hopefully) just sprained it . My first sprain.